Cold Weather

As the U.S. midwest and east coast experience record cold temperatures and winter weather, we can’t help but make fun of some of the “global warming” issues that have affected our economy and our way of life in Alaska.

Even though sea ice has increased for the past two years, polar bear populations have increased, and the earth’s climate has not warmed for 10 years, we still have to put up with “threatened” status for polar bears.  Maybe it’s time to “share the wealth.”

Let’s Keep a Lid on This

President Obama and Senator Harry Reid can’t be glad that the global warming issue is coming apart before they have a chance to use it to tax us even more.

House of Cards

This week’s news about hacked emails from East Anglia tends to support what we have suspected about the global warming issue all along.  Is the house of cards about to fall?

Our economy: The next big hit

Some folks are saying the economic freefall appears to be at an end.  But there’s new legislation on the horizon that will send us over the edge.

Click on the image to view the full cartoon.

Published 5/7/2009.

Holes in Global Warming Theory

Each day we look at more holes in the predictions of catastrophic global warming. Probably the best overall view of global warming data can be found at If there is a “consensus on climate change,” this is it.

Click on the image to see this week’s cartoon.

Published 8/16/2008.

Alaska’s Five Seasons

Click to see full cartoonAnyone who has spent time in the Alaska Bush knows seasons are defined, not by “spring, summer, fall and winter,” but by the activities that take place during those times.

For those who have never been out of the Anchorage bowl and other outsiders, here is a handy reference chart.

Click on the image to see the full cartoon –>

Environmental Science and Hired Guns

Click on cartoon for a larger imageAlaska State Representative John Coghill was criticized last week when he compared scientists to attorneys. Actually, he was almost right. Today’s generation of young scientists are more like paid expert witnesses in court. Given enough pay it is possible to find experts to testify to nearly anything.

When any group with an agenda tries to prove their special viewpoint on an issue, the science stands a greater chance of being flawed. And the presently popular global warming scenario is the poster child for flawed science. Continue reading

Polar Bear Politics Threaten Alaskans

Click on image to see full cartoonA ruling by the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife that the polar bear is threatened, as claimed by the Center for Biological Diversity, will be felt even more profoundly by Alaskans than by the rest of the country. The petition specifically targets oil exploration and development, shipping and fishing as industries which could affect the polar bear population.

According to the Alaska Legislature it’s time for Alaska to take an active role in the decision making process. In the budget submitted to Governor Palin, the Legislature has included $2 million to fund a conference to highlight the growing mountain of evidence that supports NOT listing polar bears as threatened or endangered.

In the May 4th edition of the Anchorage Daily News, a liberal California newspaper published in Alaska, Homer correspondent Tom Kizzia wrote that the Alaska Legislature is,“looking to hire a few good polar bear scientists. The conclusions have already been agreed upon–researchers just have to fill in the science part.”

In response to the ADN’s condescending one-sided introduction we need to point out that ANY science undertaken to support a particular agenda or conclusion is suspect, including that presented by the environmentalists. If environmental science has been reduced to dueling expert opinions, then it follows that the State of Alaska shouldn’t come to the table unarmed.

Works cited:

Kizzia, Tom. (2008, May 4). Legislature wants polar bear study. Anchorage Daily News. Retrieved May 4, 2008, from

Read more:

Goklany, Indur. (2008, February 5). What to do about Climate Change. The Cato Institute. Retrieved May 4, 2008 from

Michaels, Patrick J. (2008, April 18). Doing Little Is Doing Right, or You’ll Wreck Economy. The Cato Institute. Retrieved May 4, 2008, from

Alaska’s Endangered Polar Bears

Endangered polar bearMost U.S. businesses are unaware of the full implications if the polar bear or other marine mammal is declared an endangered species based on melting sea ice as a result of man-made global warming. Continue reading

Global cooling has arrived.

Alaskan cartoon

I’m down to my last cord of dry firewood. We’ve had a cold December and January, a warmer February, and I was just looking forward to spring when I saw this news tidbit on

“All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA’s GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously…”

“The total amount of cooling ranges from 0.65C up to 0.75C — a value large enough to wipe out most of the warming recorded over the past 100 years. All in one year’s time. For all four sources, it’s the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, either up or down.

For those of you who sat through AlGore’s blather, it may be time to ask for your money back.